The following rules and considerations apply to this event and must be adhered to. 

DO NOT TOUCH THE PERFORMERS or approach the stage during the performances. 

Do not touch anyone without their consent. Respect the boundaries and personal space of others. 

We do not tolerate ANY form of COVERT or OVERT racism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, fatphobia, ageism, sexism, gender discrimination, accent discrimination, ableism, anti sex work rhetoric, whorephobia, kink shaming, slut shaming,  or any other discrimination. 

Use and respect people’s pronouns. If you do not know someone’s pronouns, please kindly ask. We don’t assume anyone’s pronouns here.

Please drink responsibly and know your limits. It is a good idea to drink water while consuming alcohol. 

Please ask for consent from others before taking and sharing photos.

Please ensure you keep your personal belongings safe. 

Please be mindful of the space around you and how this space may need to be accessed by some with disabilities. Remember not all disability is immediately obvious or visible.

please use the designated outdoor smoking area for vaping and smoking. 

please consider your choices around dress and hairstyle to ensure you are not offending or appropriating another culture.

Respect the space.